On 31 January 2024, the international Erasmus+ project 'Sharing Worldviews: Learning in Encounter for Common Values in Diversity' hosted a major international conference at KPH Vienna/Krems.

Austrian and international speakers and guests were invited to the conference, where the project was inaugurated by distinguished speakers: Prof. Dr Katja Boehme (Professor of Catholic Theology and Education, Heidelberg University of Education), Prof. Dr Mualla Selcuk (Department of Philosophy, Ankara University) and Prof. Dr Vasiliki Mitropoulou (Director of the Laboratory of Pedagogy, School of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).

The keynote speech entitled "Religious Pluralisation - Global Trend or Regional Development?" was given by Prof. Dr. Karsten Lehmann (Professor of Interreligious Studies, KPH Vienna/Krems).

Subsequently, Elif Medeni (MEd, Head of the Institute for Islamic Religion, KPH Vienna/Krems), Kim Vanessa Kallinger M.A., Med (Curch Council for Education of the Protestant Church of Austria) and Prof. Dr. Paul R. Tarmann (Professor of Philosophy, Ethics and Ethics Didactics, KPH Vienna/Krems) provided insightful answers.

The conference then moved on to interesting workshops on 'Encounter Learning in Universities', 'Encounter Learning in Schools' and 'Additional Qualification'.

A recording of the conference can be seen here:

