Interdisciplinary interreligious Learning in Encounter

As your pupils grow up in a plural society, they have to be able to respect different opinions and convictions of different people. Learning in Encounter in schools therefore offers you and your pupils the possibility to connect in your school, nationally or internationally with others in order to experience how a respectful dialogue with different religious and secular worldviews can be realized.

You can implement Learning in Encounter in each subject which deals with worldviews. Following the concept of Learning in Encounter your pupils will learn to elaborate a certain topic from a special point of view and share this perspective with others in an internationally organized virtual encounter day. In this day they will meet other pupils from other schools who have worked on the same topic with another perspective. All pupils will present their results and then have the chance to talk about their experiences by reflecting the different views on a certain topic. After this encounter day pupils also have the chance to reflect their learning process and their way of communication within their own group. This whole concept leads pupils and teachers towards a peaceful and respectful way of living together. More information about the 4 phases concept you will find here.

To implement Learning in Encounter at your school you will find teaching materials. These materials are elaborated by international pedagogical experts and provide didactic guidelines as well as concrete thematic materials on a certain topic from a special religious or secular worldview. A list of possible topics as well as informations about organizing such an encounter day you can find under Guidances for Teachers.